My web page on replacing the battery in a Yamaha DX7s seems to have generated some interest. I’m glad I did it now, as several people have been in touch to let me know it helped them. In response to…
Interrupted by clones
Once again work on Colin goes to Zobeland has been held up by another story idea. This new one stays in the science fiction genre, but so far appears to be a bit more serious than CGTZ. It revisits the…
Musical Hiatus
I haven’t completely ignored CGTZ over the past six months. However, I have been working on a couple of other projects too: I’ve had to resort to the boring but necessary expedient of working at my ‘day job’ to keep…
Diverted by keyboards
Well, I have been working on the overall synopsis for my novel-in-progress, Colin goes to Zobeland, and this has resulted in several plot reshuffles. However, I’ve also been busy working on my much-neglected musical endeavours. While I was doing this…