The Dead Straight Guide To Queen has started shipping to shops. It should be available in HMV stores in the UK straight away. I’m still waiting to hear from Red Planet Publishing regarding other outlets. I’ve received my first shipment for family and friends; all copies are already spoken for, so I’ll be placing another order on Monday.

Hi Phil,
I just wanted to congratulate you on the publication of your book! I wrote Queen: Complete Works ages ago, and it seems that your M.O. was the exact same as mine: to make it the most accurate, concise book of Queen information on the market. I listened to your interview with Pete Mitchell, and I was blown away by the information you’d discovered. (Plus, I saw you called my book “one of a handful of decent reference books on Queen” – flattery gets you everywhere!) This is absolutely one book that I will be adding to my collection.
Best of luck with your book – I hope it does really well!
Feel free to contact me at any time to discuss any of the errors you found in my book, ha ha!
Hi Georg,
I really appreciate the feedback. I enjoyed reading your book and meant what I said; I think it’s probably the most comprehensive and useful reference book I have on Queen. It must have taken you a hell of a long time to research and write.
Thanks for your kind words.