Matt Bendoris, of the Scottish Sun, interviewed me about The Dead Straight Guide To Queen last Monday. He wanted a Scottish angle, so I suggested the 1974 riot at Queen’s Stirling University gig. I got a two-page spread in Friday’s…
Interview with Pete Mitchell
Pete Mitchell interviewed me about The Dead Straight Guide To Queen shortly after it was published. We covered some early Queen history, a couple of rare facts and some insights into researching and writing the book. The interview is now…
The book’s in the shops
The Dead Straight Guide To Queen has started shipping to shops. It should be available in HMV stores in the UK straight away. I’m still waiting to hear from Red Planet Publishing regarding other outlets. I’ve received my first shipment…
Queen + Adam Lambert at Manchester
My tickets have arrived for the Queen + Adam Lambert Manchester gig. I’m really looking forward to this concert and seeing some old favourites from News of the World performed live. I’ve avoided watching too much on YouTube and other…
A tale of two vans – proofreading and beyond
Proofreading can only fix so much. In my case, what it didn’t find all starts with a tale of two vans – proofreading can’t help me now… Putting off the inevitable It’s several weeks since the editing and proofreading process…
Would you like Jam on that?
Just over a week ago, when The Dead Straight Guide To Queen was released on Amazon, the publishers pointed out to Amazon that they’d listed the book with an incorrect description. Somehow they’d managed to list it with a description…
First book interviews
I did two interviews with the great Pete Mitchell this morning: on the 40th anniversary of News of the World and The Dead Straight Guide To Queen. There will be a bit more promotional activity over the next few weeks,…
New Amazon delivery
The book has left the printers and the distributors will be sending it out next week. Meanwhile the print-on-demand version of The Dead Straight Guide To Queen is already available from Amazon. I ordered a copy so I can check…
Dead Straight Guide To Queen on Amazon!
This morning The Dead Straight Guide To Queen was released on Amazon worldwide. It will be available via most major online book retailers and selected high street book chains in the UK. HMV stores will also be stocking it alongside…
Almost there – we’ve got it covered
We hit a few delays in the final stages of typesetting the book, due to the number of Red Planet Publications being produced for the Christmas 2017 market. I took advantage of the additional time to revise a few areas…